Welcome to Alpha Shooter
Alpha Shooter is a 3D FPS game with a sci-fi setting, developed by Nicola Cocchiaro and released under the GNU General Public License. It is currently written in C++ and uses its own reusable game engine, named Neutron. The game (and its engine) will evolve to include simulated physics and artificial intelligence, a scripted storyline, involving music and sound effects and more.
Use the menu buttons above to find development news, a history of the game, its description and features, screenshots, downloadable content and resources for developers. The source code for version 0.1.0 and later can currently be found in the SVN repository, while the older version 0.0.3 is still available either as a pre-compiled release or as source code in the CVS repository. Note that until version 0.1.0 Alpha Shooter did not use the Neutron engine -- please read the Documentation page if you're not sure of which version you're looking for.